Friday, March 31, 2006


This filthy photo was sent to me by one of the bad people from the shelf intimating its a picture of me and a certain young lady I talk to a lot on the site page . I'd like to state that it is an utter bald faced lie . That is by no stretch of the imagination me. I have a beard . Thank you and I'm glad to have finally found out just how bad a certain tire dealer and his texas moll are. As of tonight I have joined the hens of the site . Call me binx 2 from now on . Thank you Allan


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Ugh! I was eating a ham and cheese croissant that H surprised me with this morning and that pic made me gag. Literally.

9:21 AM  
Blogger sparky said...

I wont swear to this but I'm pretty sure thats Dick Cheney . ak

10:57 AM  

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