Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Who is this person?


Blogger The Broards said...

The next President of the United States

6:10 AM  
Blogger sparky said...


11:46 AM  
Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! It's that weak woman that everyone thinks is so strong . . . you know, the one who sets the example for her daughter that it's okay for your husband to disrespect you, lie to you, cheat on you, and treat you like a doormat as long as you can use his popularity to your advantage . . . what's her name again? Oh yeah, Hillary Clinton.

11:16 PM  
Blogger Duckymama said...

Yep, it's her. As the bumpersticker says, however, "It always takes a Clinton to Clean up after a Bush"
That being said...Vote for Nader.

Sigh. I hate the presidency and the whole process. People that are impeached STAY in office. People that the popluation vote for do not get to go. People who refer to getting their last DUI in their youth (AT 40!) get re-elected. Of course I live outside of DC...Marion Barry. Dear God save us all from politicians. That spinning you hear is the founding fathers...:-)

8:47 PM  

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