This was basically the first car I owned as a new driver in 1963 at the age of 16 . I think I have these dates right . The car was a 1960 Triumph TR3A. In my opinion one of the best cars Triumph ever produced. A car like this came in very handy for picking up cute teen girls . The girls in those days were a reckless bunch who loved tooling around in an open car without seat belts at 90 miles an hour with a cute inexperienced driver. Amazingly I never wrecked the car or even had an accident . I've been blessed by the Lord with exceptional driving skills and even at my current age of near 60 I still drive well . Theres no trick to being a great , safe driver . Just concentrate on DRIVING , DON'T put on make up , talk on a cell phone , read the newspaper , drink or eat foods etc etc etc . Watch the fucking road and be aware that every other asshole in a car is likely , mad , drunk, on drugs or just plain stupid and you will likely never have an accident . It's worked for me . Oh never get mad at another driver for cutting you off ( road rage kills) and do something stupid like trying to cut him off . When it happens just think to yourself " there goes another asshole who will likely die in a horrible car crash and laugh as you picture him screaming inside a smashed up car in flames " . It's an excellent visualization practice . Very Zen. Thats about it . I found this car today . The guy is asking 9400 for it . Look at that engine , its pristine . . These cars in decent shape (restored at some point in the cars history ) seem to be going in the 7 to 15 thousand dollar range . Of course a perfect show car can range up in the 40 to 50 thousand dollar range . These were wonderful machines and if I find myself with some spare money in the next few years I would consider buying one again to tool around in the summers . Strictly a luxury item at this point in my life . The car I had at 16 by the way cost me 600 dollars used .
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