A test with Sparko

It's just me , the Spark , testing out the picture upload deal with my mug and it seemed to have worked . Al says sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but I don't really give a shit as long as he drags those big bags of dog food home from the muslim store.
It's me , Al, fucking dog , I hate when he messes with the computer , speaking of the muslims I was there today and I saw a sign , Breakfast from 5 am to 11 am . I was thinking , who in hell gets to that store earlier then 5 am to make breakfast and who is going there to buy it . I'm in dreamland at that hour . One day I should get up early and go down there and see how busy it is , i bet busier then I could ever imagine . Allan , with spark as second bannana .
Hi Sparky.You're top banana in my book... ;)... AK
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