NOT an April fools joke

I found this picture weeks ago along with its story . I have since lost the story but the gist was , now get this ,this Turkish family ALL walk on all fours leading some Turkish scientists to think they might be related to a missing link . The scientists plan to study the family to see why they walk this way . Ok, I found it a rediculous story too but the picture is kind of funny when you know what it supposedly depicts . Hey , I don't make this crap up , Allan
I saw a prgramme about those people last week allan ,It was fascinating apparently they all had one area of the brain that was smaller than it should be ,but the doctor gave them all walking frames and now they walk upright,no one had thought of it before aparently
ya know mum , i'd be willing to bet that doctor just fucked up a possible fortune for these "missing link " people . What are they now but common cripples? a dime a dozen in the world . I'm glad you posted a comment here tho , it gets tough coming up with all these pictures thinking I'm the only one who gets a laugh from them , thanks , Allan
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