This is Kitty from the shelf . No, not Bidet Kitty . Sweety Kitty or something . She said I could run her picture on my blog (likely hoping for compliments ) so say something nice . It's no skin off your ass even if you are lying and it will make her feel good . There ya go Kitty . Allan
Kitty looks like Kelly Clarkson.
Hi Allan.
a cross between Kelly Clarkson and MIchelle Rodriguez
Kitty is very cute. I have enjoyed talking to Kitty every now and again. Lubee
Ps. at least Kitty is alot cuter than green fingers*** Love ya pook. Lu
jesus i was surprized no one had a comment on that legless ,black fingered idiot Lu but I have to agree , Kitty does look better then him .
Kitty you are adorable. I think I used to have that bedroom set.
kitty's very cute.
Why does she have a little kid's canopy bed in the background?
urb , i wish you hadn't brought up the canopy bed . my sister had a canopy bed till she married and for all i know she had one with her husband too and my mother and father also had a canopy bed which i always thought was way weird. i think it's a nest mentality . waking up to the canopy makes people feel safe . it's really very sick urb but i try not to point out these things others do if i can avoid it , ak
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