Wednesday, December 06, 2006


yes, it's hitler but this an extraordinary photo as far as the comoposition goes and what drama !!!! I've always wondered tho how the 2 ku klux klan guys got on to this nazi ship


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is The Nagual speaking.

I'm not entirely sure that is a ship. Possibly just a huge rally...Adolf was fond of those.

I just concluded the 1800 pages of Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich.

Also...there is a german film that came out in 2003 (subtitled) called Downfall which is a recreation of the last days of Hitler and the others in the bunker. Great film....well worth seeing. Via some other research it came to light that Hitler may have fathered a child by Magda Goebbels...but if he did it was one of the 6 children she killed in the bunker before she and Josef offed themselves as well. I was unaware of the high number of dead bodies that piled up in there.

10:47 PM  
Blogger sparky said...

funny how vision works . for years now i've seen that as the prow (bow) of a large naval ship which never made that much sense since hitler wasn't much of a sailor type and anyway except for uboats germany had a pretty small navy . I think you might be right nag . What I was seeing as a ship is actually a road (path, walkway) of sorts and what to me looked like water is actually grass. I still think it's a great picture tho , maybe even better now. Gobbels wife killed all the kids and there was 6 as far as I know with poison i think . Her feeling was if you cant have a nazi germany (i think i read somewhere she was the most devout nazi of the group in the bunker) why bother to have life ( I think she was in love with hitler) . Makes as much sense as half the other shit people believe . Those last days in the bunker in berlin with hitler and his staff must of been some intense times as the red army moved into the city and defeat was days away . Imagine what must have been going on in hitlers mind , a few short years earlier the master of europe , now a rat in a hole about to be exterminated . amazing Anyway , nag , if you are such . thanks, allan

7:12 AM  
Blogger sparky said...

hang on , is what I thought of as grass actually people massed together?

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is The Nagual speaking.

Yes I believe its a crowd of people from a huge rally. It's said at times more than a million people would attend a nazi rally. They were particularly fond of holding them at night....but had them constantly. If you look closely you will see he is on a huge stone staircase. If I had to guess I would say this might be a rally in a country he has just occupied. But its only a guess.

Strange thing about Magda Goebbels....apparently both she and Josef lost faith in Hitler months prior to the end....yet she still went to the bunker and killed herself and her children and husband. Hitler used her as the "unofficial" mother of germany. She appeared with him in public in place of a wife. Her real life however was pretty seedy. Among other things she was a troubled orphan who once lived in sin with a jewish guy. Weird.

10:23 AM  

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