This place was built at the same time as the other 3 new houses . It;s side is on the street from hell . This one sold for 650 . Thats it for my immediate neighborhood . It's the suburbs plain and simple . I've pretty much decided to stay here a while longer . Yeah , i could get out of here witha nice hunk of dough and go to say Tennessee in the sticks but then what do I do? Sure , i could find an old farm house cheap but then . Jesus , no thrifty , no bakery , no muslims at country valley farms , no pork store ,no dino, no eric my mechanic , no nothing , maybe a country store . jesus , joseph and mary I need to around small businesses to survive . Not only for what they sell but because I get to know the people . I just spent an hour in the bakery today , brought the girl who owns it a soup from thifty (chicken barley , homemade and excellent ) and we BSed about life etc . Thats the thing , i actually do enjoy seeing people and I think there are many who look forward to seeimg me . The stores have become a social thing along with having great foods and products so in the country , what? I become Francis of Assisi , talk to the fucking animals? oh man , i don't think so . I think I might stay here till the end . My house just keeps getting worth more so theres that too . anyway , my next long island pictures will be on a trip somewhere hopefully soon . Allan
Spark, if you can walk around to that many places and enjoy you are in small-town America, not the burbs, man. The burbs suck like a hoover and you know it. I'll take talking to your buddies or my animals any day over the burbia babes....ack.
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