Monday, April 03, 2006

Is this Tom Cruise's Gal Pal?

I found this in my pictures too and think it might be the girl he knocked up but has yet to marry . Maybe I'm wrong but I think it might be her before Tom's evil sperm made her blow up . She's awfully young looking for him. Isn't he in his forties? This girl looks to be about 17 . Odd they haven't maried yet ,. Something up with that? allan


Blogger Waltzing Matilda said...

Vanda, I predict that they will never marry. Right now they say they're going to get married after she has the baby. Yeah right. What is up with that? Tom Cruise is a big fat homo, and he doesn't want to have another ex-wife to his credit. That or maybe Katie is showing some spine in private about the Scientology thing.

1:22 PM  
Blogger sparky said...

Seems damn odd to me too rag. why in the world would they (he) keep putting it off , it makes no sense . The girl should be married when she gives birth and I can't see why thats so difficult to understand .

2:16 PM  

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