I found this in my pictures too and think it might be the girl he knocked up but has yet to marry . Maybe I'm wrong but I think it might be her before Tom's evil sperm made her blow up . She's awfully young looking for him. Isn't he in his forties? This girl looks to be about 17 . Odd they haven't maried yet ,. Something up with that? allan
Vanda, I predict that they will never marry. Right now they say they're going to get married after she has the baby. Yeah right. What is up with that? Tom Cruise is a big fat homo, and he doesn't want to have another ex-wife to his credit. That or maybe Katie is showing some spine in private about the Scientology thing.
Seems damn odd to me too rag. why in the world would they (he) keep putting it off , it makes no sense . The girl should be married when she gives birth and I can't see why thats so difficult to understand .
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