Tuesday, June 27, 2006

NOT my grandmother theater

But it may as well have been. I couldn't find a picture of the Bellmore Theater that my grandmother owned as long as I can remember in my youth. It looked almost exactly like this building from upstate NY. Gladys (grand mother ) lived in a huge apartment above the movie theater . This building seems a bit smaller then hers was . My father also as long as I remember was the projectionist so as a boy and teen I spent a lot of time in the projectionist booth which was a pretty interesting place for a boy . Huge projectors , film spicers , transformers , rectifiers , crazy shit really but it all seemed normal to me . As a teen I worked as an usher until my early 20s. Gladys sold the business in the early 70s , went to a home and died a few years later . The theater is still there and as far as I know its one of the few single large screen movie theaters still left on Long Island . I haven't been there in years and years . I should go see a movie there some night but that might be way too weird . Allan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allan knows this but I thought it was kind of wierd in a small world way. My husband grew up in Bellmore and went to Allan's grandmothers theatre all the time. According to him, it was quite the hangout. Now we live in Florida and I meet Allan on line and find out the connection. Allan keeps me up to date on all things Long Island as I still get quite homesick from time to time. Lubee

1:54 PM  

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