This is the actual cage that was fitted onto the face of Winston Smith after enduring months and months of excruciating torture that finally brings him to his most base point and breaks him so he finally understands what he has to do to have the rats taken away as they start to gnaw on his cheek flesh and he screams out "KILL JULIA ,KILL JULIA ,KILL JULIA !!" .
I thought this was one of my better entries and was surprized no one said anything about it . Maybe people don't know what it's from ? Maybe people don't read my blog (more likely ) . Anyway , its the near end of the book 1984 when Winston finally realizes what he needs to say to save his skin . Something he mentally avoided thru all the other tortures . Rats were his down fall , he had had a bad experience with rats as a boy and the caged rats in the mask cage he was made to wear wear too much for him. Finally he knows! He must betray Julia . KILL JULIA INSTAID, KILL JULIA!!. The rest of the book was Winston after he was freed knowing one day a bullet would enter the back of his head. He saw Julia a few times but had no interest. She had become an old looking lady . Of course she had been broken too and the book ends . Allan
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