Saturday, July 15, 2006

cake by bidet

bidet lives asked me to put this picture of a cake she made on my blog. she made this cake in anticipation of jessie jacksons rag tag party of blacks,poor jews , homos, american indians and any other fool who falls for jessies rainbow coalition bullshit . jessie cancelled so she donated the cake to the gay pride rainbow parade in dallas . toohotdvm was the parade leader and a great time was had by all till the rednecks led by gypsyjo herded a thousand cows right into the homo parade and broke the whole thing up . sad to report a cow ate the cake but heres proof it existed . allan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am beginning to get the feeling that the prevailing temper of the Shelf may tip toward racial intolerance. Too bad. Guess I don't fit in very well, after all.


5:36 PM  
Blogger Catz said...

Hi Phrons!

8:10 PM  

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