this beautiful sculpture is by arno breker. a german artist who ,and i just learned this today from an article on aol , is considered by many art experts the michelangelo of the last century . unfortunetly he was also known as hitlers artist . his association with hitler has tarnished his name . this is the man who sculpted all those monumental germanic figures hitler so loved to claim as real art . anyhow , breker thoughout his life till he died at 90 years old had many good friends in the art world post hitler . he counted the likes of salvidor dali as a good friend among many other well known people in the arts. i'm going to do a bit more research on this guy . i've always been curious about the art work that was so important to nazi germany so this guy is a good place to start finding out about it . allan ps, the likeness to britney is uncanny and this sculpture is no more airbrushed then britney is . calling brit airbrushed is just sour grapes from gals with cellulite thighs .
it is simply beautiful
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