as is plain as day to any reasonable person mary has appeared on this dyed easter egg. less obvious and not touted by the owner of the egg is the sinister being in a black cowl atanding behind mary and applying something to her back . of course once you are made aware of the figure it's plain as day its a likeness of the devil or at any rate a demon and being a demonologist my educated guess is he is attaching a witches teat to mary so she can be milked dry of her goodness. the world we live in is so so evil .
also to the left right next to the index finger of the hand holding the egg is an image of a werewolf like creatures watching the devil attach his evil teat to mary who after further examination appears to have her face and chest pushed up against a wall and in all likelihood her hands are bound behind her back . this is a truely evil egg and with further study i'm sure i will find even more horrendous signs represented in it . in all my years studying demonology i dont think i have ever seen an egg this evil . knowing what i do about this subject it's hard for me to even look upon this egg with out getting chills up my spine .
oh my god, i just noticed the long snake like penis at the bottom of the egg below mary . sorry , i don't know its meaning but also to the left is a bloody red looking area near the horrid penis but like the penis im
not sure of it's meaning . it requires further study .
thats the creeps. lu
i'm tellin you lu , this egg is creepy .
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