this is also a terrific older car. i had one of these i bought from a neighbor a few years ago. like my lincoln , it's also a luxury car and a pleasure to ride in . i paid them 800 for the car in real nice shape . ran it into the ground for a few years and called the junkie to take it away after the tranny went . the one in the picture i found on the web . it has 12 thousand original miles , is advertized to be like a new car and they are looking for 8 grand for it . way too much for me. when i used to work at estates in the hamptons i used to see these buicks. they were bought for the help to use in doing the shopping for the household . nice cars . if anyone needs a car and doesn't use it for a long commute these old luxury cars can often be bought dirt cheap because people don't want them anymore because of the gas prices . the lincoln i just bought is probably one of the nicest cars i've ever driven in my life and like i said i only paid 200 for it . you don't need a perfect specimen like this buick. even with high miles these types of cars are often a steal and well worth buying to use for a few years . americans are dumb , they will run out and buy a 40 thousand dollar hybrid thinking they are saving money on fuel. whoa , 40 thou buys a lot of fuel but to each his own . allan
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