Thursday, February 23, 2006

A strange photo

I will discuss this picture in the future . Suffice it to say there are some very strange beings depicted in this old photo. I will disect it and blow up certain areas of interest as time allows me . Something is very evil about this photo and I hope I don't have some mishap before I can expose its secrets but time will tell . If you are brave copy it and find the strange beings and the other anomolies in the photo but I take no responsibility for the consequenses . Allan


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Allan . . . you're repeating yourself.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Duckymama said...

It's a clan or a coven meeting. If pressed to choose, I'd hang out with the witches....

5:23 PM  
Blogger sparky said...

its all males melinda except a young girl who looks to be dressed in a normal fashion in the front right foreground . if you look near the big tree on the right there are some strage beings that don't appear to belong in the picture , you might want to blow that section up to see what im talking about , allan

6:54 PM  

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