Sam works at the bakery , he's 80 . Apparantly he doesn't need the job , more of a friend of the family kind of thing . His wife died a few years ago . He goes to her grave every morning and then he helps out at the bakery for part of the day . Nice guy . allan
Every morning at about 8.45 on the opposite side of the road from my parents falt a man comes and lays some flowers then leaves ,he does it monday to friday always looks smart and well kept has a nice car.We have no idea why he does it and have come up with the heory that his wife commited suicide there by leaping off the cliff into the sea below,it;s very strange ,
falt, aha mum, you work out my brain in the morning , I was wondering if this was fault and wondered what in hell your parents fault was then I realized it was simply transposed letters and its flat as in apartment. people do strange things mum . One of the oddest things I ever saw was the shrines in the desert in baja california miles and miles from any abode and yet someone built them but the odd thing was someone (never seen) kept candles going in them and often added flowers to them . Mary seemed very content , of course this was all before they tossed her son on the cross but thats a whole other story , allan
Sam is sweet. He probably looks forward to going to work each morning.
Did you ever see Under the Tuscan Sun? An old Italian man di dthat too
I was at the bakery before and told sam I put his picture on the internet but it was obvious he had no idea of what I meant . This 19 year old girl who works there (a gorgeous speciman , tall, blond , great body , teeth that could light up a room) so I said to her "you know what a blog is right" oh boy . a blank stare . "you don't use the interenet?" I say , NO , "you have a computer right?" NO as she giggles . "Can I fuck you" I ask next?" NO . "Shit" , of course I didn't say that but maybe I should of .
Anyhow , I'm often surprized when young people don't know this comp junk. I always assume ALL young people know how to use the web but thats apparantly not true . I wish I had a camera with me , i would of gotten her picture toady, oh well , so It goes
In South Louisiana it's a rare road that does not have a cross set up somewhere along its length, commemorating a person or people who died at that spot due to a car wreck. My guess, Alex, is that your guy is either laying flowers because someone dear to him died at that spot from a car wreck - or because he was driving the car that killed the someone.
And, Alan, you haven't got a whole lot of room to talk about Alex's typos. "Toady"?
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