Turns out sam is 81 and helps out at the bakey for something to do . He isnt paid except he takes all the unsold bread home at the end of the day to feed to the birds . What happened was he was hanging around after his wife died and finally Debie the owner said sam , you may as well do something if you are here because I have things to do and can't talk to you all day . He seems happy with that arrangement . I might end up a sam one day . Well off older man helping out for something to keep me busy . Time will tell . Emma asked for a sam picture and here it is . Much nicer then that filthy pimp namer she posted . That was truely disgusting and a sign of where America is heading but thats another story , ak
Sam's a cute old man! But they should pay him....that place is being cheap. I bet Sam brings in a lot of business.
Sam might be cute but to the bakery he might be a bit of a pain in the ass too . I doubt he brings in bussiness , the bussiness comes in because its an excellant bakery . Sam owns some houses on long island so behind that old face you are likely looking at a millionaire , property wise anyway and who knows how else . Maybe the bakery is being cheap but no one forces him to come in everyday and he is there 7 days a week . There comes a time when money isnt important in life when you have plenty and I think thats where sam is at . I can understand where he is coming from . He knows that if one day he gets tired of it he can just not show up . Nice place to be at his age . Allan
I have to say that I agree with Allan on this one.
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