The trailer park

I see this everyday too when I take the dog to the lake . It looks better in this picture then it really does in real life . It's 14 old trailers from way back in the 50s on a half acre of property right smack on the lake , lake veiw and all . they are run down and lived in by welfare type people and from what I know there is a fair amount of crime there but this is all hearsay to me. There have been efforts in the past to raze the place but they always fail which is ok with me . I can't see kicking people out because they are poor . This place is from the times this was a nothing town and no one gave a damn. I imagine it will exist for a long time to come . Generally you can buy one of these for 10 grand and then pay 500 a month to keep it on the lot . Where all the sewerage goes from these 14 places is beyond me . This is like having 14 homes on one building lot , i guess there's a giant cesspool or something . Allan
see that first trailer with the 3 pipes on top? I know the the guy who lives there , he wanted me to buy it for 10 grand , i was seriously thinking of selling my house and living there till people I know said I would go nuts living so close to other people in such a weird place and they are probably right . Surely I would have to take up drinking again. Most of the people living in the trailers drink , some heavily . I saw it as a nice trade , I'd still have my stores , I could still have sparky and I would live on the lake but seriously it was a terrible idea . thank god it was just a passing thought . ak
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