Besides buying a bike at the garage sale I went to I also bought this car (not this one but it may as well be ) It's a 1988 Lincoln Town Car . A big boat . The one I bought was owned by the same lady since new . She had the original manual. It's low miles in top shape . No rust , no dents , interior perfect. I have been aware of the car for years . I used to see her pulling in her drive with it . Anyway , heres the deal . They were looking for 400 for the car . I had 200 on me and being that I wasn't even thinking about buying a car I offered that . Her husband died a year ago , shes selling the house and I guess they just wanted the car gone so they went for it . It's in my drive right now . So I look up similar cars for sale at car mart . com and lo and behold it must be a collectable car or something . The car I have in the condotion its in seems to be going for 5 to 8 thousand dollars . Sounds rediculous I know but there it was . I bought it because I want a second car as being alone sucks if your primary car breaks down . Oh , i looked up milage too , 17 city and 24 highway . Don't forget its old . Even tho its a big V8 engines back then didnt have as much shit on them . I'm guessing this milage is way better then the Explorer I own which seems to suck gas like its 39.9 a gallon . I might find myself using this thing as my primary car instead of the explorer . I feel good having a tennis court hood to peer over while I drive . ak
Holy shit , i did a bit more research on this car I bought and apparantly its considered a pimp car . (low end pimps I'd think, high end pimps would probably have a mercedes) . I need to get some dice for the rear view mirror . ha ha . how 50s ak
Yo will be pimpin. Lu
nice deal you got tho.
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