traciebrat maybe

apparantly after brat read my thesis on breast worshipping she decided to share this new picture of herself after undergoing breast augmentation surgery . as most know brat was a flat chested girl that boys and other girls laughed at behind her back when she was in school and even now as a teacher . so she decided to do something about it and heres the result . so far no one at her job has said a word to her about her new huge tits . think about it . what do you say when a once flat chested woman one day has 50 pound cement sacks hanging off her chest the next . it kind of leaves one dumb struck. thanks brat for the picture but as you well know i liked it better when you had the chest of a boy . allan
#1 there is no "i" in my name.
#2 I don't have enough loose skin on my whole entire body to fit those silicone balloons.
hey , fuck off brat , i went to trouble to run the shitty picture you sent me , wrote a humorous little story to go along with it and all i get from you are fucking complaints , you have no idea how sick i am of complainers brat , truely , they annoy the shit out of me . stop sending your dumb shit to me in the future , thank you , allan
Keep it up and I'll start sending you pictures of cute widdle kitty cats and puppies with their widdle arms around each other.
That girl is leaning her arm on the tree to keep herself from tipping over.
yeah , i noticed the tree support too Urb , its truely sad to have tits so big they make you fall over forward . ak
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