I received this lovely photo tonight from Bidet titled "Nora plant's her lambs ears" . Such an idylic scene . I almost cried when I saw the little blond child watering in her treasured plant . I sure hope Emma doesn't see it tho . She hates Bidets golden children it seems . Allan
That's a pretty boring picture.
You know anything about art, Urb? This photo of the small child caring for a planting she just made is easily on a par with Van Goghs self portrait or at the very least with Edward Munches "The Scream". Take an art course before you pass judgement Urb. This "portrait of a blond child" will likely be named best in show in some photo contest Raggamuffin is in.
Ok, I'll come clean . I looked at the picture again and in truth it's so boring I started to laugh at it .
'come clean' : to ejaculate on a new kleenex fresh from the box(work on that blt) now if there was a way to ban you from my pure blog without monitering all the few comments I getI would . You are like a rotten egg first thing in the morning . allan
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