Saturday, August 19, 2006

for blt

here are some large people for you to look at blt . the woman is 1600 pounds in this picture and walter hudson of long island was topping the scales at 1100 in his picture. both are now long dead , allan


Blogger Anatole David said...


Hey! I purchased a real KGB Issue Wristwatch for my father from a Russian Blackmarketeer! It doesn't say KGM on it or anything but it has literature with it--and plenty of documentation and tons of "Incredible Features" it's mechanical too---wonderful watch---my father loves it

7:28 PM  
Blogger Waltzing Matilda said...

Horse, I would imagine that they have home health nurses who come in and see about them. I have a friend who had a stomach reduction and she weighed over 400 lbs at the time of her surgery. She's still far from being little.

5:00 PM  

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