More artsy VW buses

Someone in the chat last night mentioned they liked the arty VW bus I just had a picture of so I went back in my archive and found some that I had run pictures of last summer and here they are for that person . I think it was someone named Gracie . Yes , it was gracie . My mind is now so clear since I've become a teetotler . So here Gracie , this is for you to entertain you as your moon face grows from the heavy doage of prednisone you are taking . Allan PS: Go find a Jerry Lewis picture from when he was taking Prednisone . He had a head like a melon!
Allan: Thanks so much for the VW pics ... brings back lots of memories. As for the prednisone, don't think I'll be on it long enough to turn into Jerry Lewis ... if I do, please feel free to shoot me, although I believe I'll beat you to it. Hope you're not a Lewis fan ... personally I thought the guy was a melon head long before the prednisone. See you on the shelf, Gracie
I always thought even when I was young that Jerry Lewis was a weird bastard . Then when I found out he was loved by the French as a comic genius I knew I was probably right . Someday I'll tell you all about how the French loved living under the German Jack Boot during WW2 and how fast they were to start shipping off French jews to Hitlers ovens . Except under Napolean the French nation has been truely pathetic . Allan
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