Another bubble car

This odd thing is another good example of what were called bubble cars back in 50s europe . I'm pretty sure this is a messerschmit (sp), a german airplane manufacturer who made fighter planes for hitler during the war and tried their hand at car manutfature after the war left them bankrupt . This is either a one or two man car , if two man it would be one in front of the other not side by side . ak
The front "bumper" of this car was annoying me and then I think I figured out what it is . Not a bumper at all but a stand. Since there doesn,t appear to be a door my guess is that black diaginal line on the side is where the car opens from to get in . a hinge in the front likely swings the whole front up and to stop it from "over" opening and snapping the hinge it stops when the bumper/stand hits the ground . Oh those Germans , with a bit more fuel they would of won the war . ak
whats odd is I saw one of these a white one in Richmond yesterday and my only thought was OH I bet Allan would like that
that really is funny mum . I ha d no intention of running this cars picture (others I have of the car) but I happened unto this picture yesterday somewhere and i liked it so here it is . and yes , i would like it . I'm a bit of a car nut .
Wait, wasn't this vehicle actually a little sea vessel in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea?
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