I was looking at some Britney pictures. Most were boring but I thought these two were kinda nice. You have to admit that baby picture is damn cute . And the way Brits looking at Justine , you can tell he was the one for her . Theres such love in her eyes . Personally I think everything Britneys done , 2 marriages , 2 divorces , having kids by a guy who already was esentially married to another woman ( not married but he has 3 kids or whatever with her). Hanging out with those skanks Paris and Lindsay and the singers daughter whatever her name is . Flashing her privates in public knowing full well it would get all over the web has all been to get Justins attention and poor Brit has failed . So sad to see true love end up in a heap of shit . My prediction is Brit Spears is over , she will likely turn into a fat louisianna housewife albeit one with lots of money . She will have men but will always wonder if they want her just for the dough and of course the answer will be yes . Ever see brit when shes in a fat stage? It aint a pretty sight and thats where she will eventually end up . I even predict in about 5 years there will be a TV show with a huge Brit Spears laying in a bed and Richard Simmons is doing dancing exercizes around her bed urging her to get up and shake her booty and lose the 150 extra pounds she has put on . If he's successful I predict Brit spears will be Richards Simmons last and greatest success to get an obese person to lose weight . Sad Sad Sad , allan
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