Sunday, February 04, 2007

for bert

This may be just as example of different personalities. We in the Greek choir are the "nice" people. Allan and the like-minded cohort anonypusses are the "tell it like it is" people.Say a kid related to Allan graduates from college. Allan is invited to a graduation party. He gets there and watches the Greek Chorus people praising the boy, lauding him for his achievement. When Allan gets a chance at the boy, he lambasts him for wasting his time getting a degree in English and warns the kid about how tough life is and how he would have been better off something else. He tells him how hard it's going to be to make a living.Some of the people at the party would be aghast at Allan's behavior, some would pretend to be shocked, but secretly would agree that getting a degree in English wasn't all that smart a move. And some would vocalize a semblance of agreement with Allan.Then 18 months later, at the funeral after the kid committed suicide because he couldn't get a job, Allan would go to the wake and tell people, "I told you so!" And he had! Again, the Greek Chorus would go tsk tsk, some would pretend to go tsk tsk and some would say, outloud, that Allan was correct.And frankly, there is no "right" way to be. We all follow the paths on which we feel most comfortable. And if you're comfortable with who you are, who the hell cares what anyone else thinks?

Now I'm going to explain something to you bert about your post but I will explain it here and not in Schells blog .

first , I agree 100 percent with your last paragraph . There is no right way and there is no wrong way in life you are absolutely right .

Second , there are no people who are always nice . . Are there people who are always nasty ? Maybe a few but even truely nasty people may do something nice from time to time . I'll use the old worn illustration of Hitler liikely one of the truely nastiest people in history . He loved his mother dearly and also loved dogs . Sure it aint much but you get my point .

Thirdly , I never used the term " this is the way it is" . The term I used is " as I see it " and there is tremendous difference between the two terms . I wont bother explaining . If you can't see the difference then I'm wasting my time typing.

Fourthly . I would be the first to congradulate the kid on his degree without further comment . If the kid asked me if I thought the english degree was a good and i knew it wasn't I would ask him if he really wanted my opinion. If he said yes I would tell him what I thought basically as Schell appeared to be asking for opinions on her problem and I told her what I truely thought of the situation .

If the kid killed himself I would never ever even think it was because he had gotten the English degree but would have to assume there were deep seated problems I didn't know about . No one who is sane at all kills himself over a lousy english degree.

Fiftly,I'm not an " I told you so " type of person in the least Bert and on schells blog I hope she chooses the right thing to do but conversely from reading everything she has written it seems to me ( and as usual this is my opinion or as I see it) it strikes me over and over from what she writes that schell and her boy are bad for each other . That the boy needs people helping him with his problems that are completely objective in how they see him and thats not schell or her husband . Also going away to a school is a fantastic growing up experience ( or can be) . It brings new horizons into ones life and hopefully with the right supervision will help the boy solve his problems . ( perhaps a school specializing in bi polar kids if he really is bi polar would be best but away from the home that seems to bring out these episodes ) . Hey bert,. I be way off base and the kid might go off to a school and get even worse but maybe the new surroundings are just what he needs .

sixtly ,The anon people who come in there are not my cohorts . If you havent figured me out by now I stand alone when I have opinions and don't need a gang to back me up . If an anon agrees with me , fine , if not fine too . Personally I would never type an anon post and don't understand why some people do . ANd yes bert I have an idea who the anon people are . Thats not my problem. take it up with them .

That will do for now bert , I have something important I have to do before the sunsets . I'm going to post this , if there are typos sorry but i havent the time to correct them. I will gladly continue later when I have all my work done here bert and yes my making a living is far more important to me then schells problems . It's called the realities of life bert and schell can be assured when the bill collector calls me I wont ask her for money , see you later , allan


Blogger sparky said...

Ok, I'm back and I'll finish this up then its off to bed .

The last thing I was going to add to it was what I said about Schell maybe actually liking whats going on . Sure that sounds nutty but don't forget there are people in this world who sicken their kids to get attention and sympathy . I forget the name . Its m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ syndrome. It's a german sounding name . I'm sure you've read about it bert . As I've said in truth I don't know schell fom a hole in the wall and the only reason I brought this up was beacause she surely IS getting a lot of attention in her blog and maybe outside of the web about her sons condition . Hopefully I'm wrong ( probably I am) but there IS no way I'll ever know nor will you for that matter .

Anyway thats about it bert . If someone asks for opinions on something in a blog as schell did I will give them even if what I say isn't the most happy of thoughts. If I had thought schell only wanted sympathy and " I send you my love , I'm thinking of you , you are in my prayers " type of clap trap I wouldn't have said a word but THAT is not what Schell indicated she wanted to hear ( Or so it appeared to me ) If I'm wrong I appologize to Schell .

You know bert the only 2 people who offered any concrete possible solution was you and me . Your cross country running was a great idea but as I said I don't think Schell is in a posiition to TELL the boy anything and as a matter of fact her telling him probably has the opposite effect .

Thats it then bert , If people want to think I'm mean I really don't give a crap because the fact is I didn't reccomend or say what I said to be mean but only suggested what I thought was the best solution based on Schells own words and I still think the boy needs objective people dealing with his problems . People who don't have emotions tied up in it who maybe can see it more clearly .

Night Bert ,


6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

munchausen (spelling might be off)

3:08 PM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

"Munchaussen By Proxy"

1:00 AM  

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