A great composter

This here thing is called a Compostumbler and I can highly reccomend it if you have a big yard with lots of clippings and junk to deal with. Years ago overwhelmed with organic debris from my property I bought one of these things thinking it probably wouldn't work well but I needed to give it a shot since the towns here have become cranky about picking up yard debris . Old Bill slapped it together in minutes ( a few hours really ) and we were on our way . He filled it up . Spun it a few times and he would spin it whenever he was here ( I would spin it too on Bills off days ) . To make a long story short the damn thing works like a charm producing fantastic compost in a matter of weeks that make a super addition to any garden . It aint cheap . I was just pricing a new one since my original will need replacement soon ( If it were protected under an awning or in a carport I think it might last forever but mine has been out in the weather for at least 10 years or more . OK, 425 , no shipping from a place in texas was the best price I found today . I forget the name of the place but its easy to find with keyword . Just put in compostumbler and you will see it . Thats it , i highly reccomend this product if as I said you need to get rid of lots of yard debris. Allan
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