Wednesday, February 07, 2007

a monkey pitcher plant

this is the pitcher on a an insectivious plant called a monkey pitcher plant . The botanical name escapes me . Insects fall into the top of this pitcher and powerful enzymes dissolve them and the plant feeds off of it . there are many species of these things . Some with very large pitchers . Maybe tomorrow I will find a nursery that specializes in insectivious plants and run a link here. There are such nurseries I'll just need to find them again . allan


Blogger sparky said...

6:56 AM  
Blogger sparky said...

6:57 AM  
Blogger sparky said...

forget it , just put insectivious plants in a search engine , i dont seem to be getting a hyper link here , allan

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Vanda! : )
The gardens where I visit has a very nice (but small) carnivorous plant conservatory. These plants (in my opinion) lead a very strange existance. The scent these plants emit is very pleasant to insects. The aroma lures the hungry bypasser into their pooling digestive pitfall traps where the unsuspectant bugs get dissolved and absorbed. I have many other such photos of these 'flytrap' type meat devouring flora.

6:18 PM  
Blogger sparky said...

someday look up the plant family ( group ) whatever called stapellia . Some have fabulous huge star shaped flowers that are pollinated by blow flies and they smell like rotting meat to attract the flies . I used to trick people when i was younger and say "you have to smell this , its unreal " then shove the huge flower in their face and watch them damn near gag . Sure , I'm a bit of a sadist but jesus the reaction on peoples faces well worth it . I'll find some pictures in a few days and run them here , look for them . allan

6:50 PM  

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