Sunday, April 30, 2006


These fellows are from the international beard competition or some such thing that was just held in germany . If you can't tell that first guys beard is a windmill in a breeze . Very creative .

The lake and closeups of the memorial

Friday, April 28, 2006

A memorial near the lake

Someone died here and it must of been a while ago . From the stuff that is left here I'd guess it was a kid. I've watched this thing grow over the last 3 or 4 years . Sometimes it shrinks when someone takes away badly weathered things but it will grow back. I see it daily on the road that goes around the lake . Usually I have idiot boy (spark) with me and its a bad place to stop for a picture but today I was there alone and thought it's now or never . It's on a dangerous curve in the road and I'd bet some kid was hit by a car while he /she was walking . I find these things very ugly but some people must like them or they have meaning to someone . Rarely , I see a bunch of young kids there having a sort of service to the dead I guess . Well, here it is , Allan

A staghorn I like (platycerium ridleyi) and a phragmipedlium orchid

Thursday, April 27, 2006

some more orchid pictures and one water color of a Stanhopea Tigrina

Some different orchids Mum

Here's a small variety of different orchids Mum. This is peanuts compared to the thousands and thousands of different species and even more hybrids but it does show a few different types . allan

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

An orchid from Panama

This anguola orchid is from Central America and is known as the nuns orchid for some reason . The picture is from my AOL pal , The great photographer AT . allan

Saturday, April 22, 2006

For Naf

This is one of the stacks of paintings I was talking about Naf. I looks to me like about 10 paintings . It's in a rear room . I need to take this one and switch it out with the one in my kitchen one day when bill is here . It's not an easy thing to do , they are all big and heavy , some as much as 100 pounds . Allan

For Naf

To answer your questions from the previous blog Naf the Humu Humu fish gets to be maybe tops a few feet long if that . One interesting thing about the fish is when Hawaii was a kingdom it was only allowed to be eaten by the king and I suppose the royal family . A commoner caught with the fish was immediately executed.

And no , I don't paint actually things . This is one of my paintings that is hanging right here in my kitchen . It's big , 4 feet by 8 feet . Actually this was the last painting I did during the year I got back into doing artwork. I have about 40 others stored on walls or in stacks in different rooms in my house . allan

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Huma huma

The humuhumunukunukuapuaa -- also known as the rectangular triggerfish -- may regain to its honored status as Hawaii's state fish.
I once had one of these fish that is also known as the Picasso trigger fish . allan

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Lee Raymond , CEO of Exxon

This joker is getting a 400 million retirement package from Exxon . He may very will deserve it but Jesus , he looks really bad . He could easily have been a charactor in the movie Deliverance . His teeth are awful and that thing on his neck , Jesus . Allan

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Fairhaven Beech

This beautiful tree is no more but it's history is interesting.

The above link will bring you to a site concerning the life of this majestic tree . I've known the tree since the 70s . It was located at Planting Fields Arboratum until being cut down this past February because of disease . Read the story about it , it will give you an interesting insight into what the very rich will do with money if it suits them. This picture doesn't show it but the tree covered a quarter acre so say about 100 by 100 . There is also a story about the tree in todays newsday part 2 which is what made me think about it . If you can find it online its a good story too , Allan

Friday, April 14, 2006


1966 MGB

This is a nice example of an early MGB . A California car (generally a plus) . More photos here . Also service records extending back to when the car was new which is pretty rare . I might need to buy a car like this in the summer . It's sporty but still old fashioned , has enough modern things like roll up windows to make a it a practical everyday driver (many of the earlier english sports cars have side curtains that must be removed and replaced depending on weather ). Take a look at the link above . It's a very nice machine . Allan

Bidets trailer park cause

This run down mess of old delapidated trailer homes in some God forsaken part of texas seems to be Bidets latest cause. There is a save the trailers campaign going on because some developers want to kick out the mish mash of old alcoholics and sloppy section 8 house fraus who inhabit them along with their motley crew of children and mangy animals so Beautiful McMansions can be built on the property upping the tax base for the town and getting rid of this riff raff all at the same time . A win-win situation if you ask me . Allan

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cheetah the chimp has turned 74

This is an old picture of Tarzan , jane and cheetah the chimp . Jane was hot stuff back then . every school boys fantasy . Anyway the damn chimp is still alive , i think these humans are both dead , allan

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ladies at the bakery making cooky trays for easter

These are two of the ladies from the bakery I visit often. Debbie is on the right , shes one of the owners and the woman on the left is ursula , a worker . Nice people , this was taken in the rear of the place where all the baking is done . Allan

Mural on a bar near bakery

This mural of the lake and stylized buildings some historic and others still existing was painted on the side of a very very old local bar in 97. I used to visit the artist while she painted it and I asked if she thought kids would ruin it with graffiti . She said no and I guess she was right . It was done very professionally on a wall that was covered with nasty graffiti and looks a 1000 times nicer , Allan

PS: I'll try to get a closer picture this week .

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bates Floaters

This shoe ,hard as this is to believe was a fad footwear when I was in early highschool in the 60s . They were called bates floaters then too or we called them floaters . I remember them as being very comfortable shoes and I think I might buy a pair again soon . Mums sister mentioning Whinklepickers reminded me of footwear of my past and I looked up these floaters online . For information on whinklepickers see mums blog and I have no intention of trying to find that type of shoe at this point in my life. Allan

Monday, April 03, 2006

Earth Mothers Schuck and Jive

6 druid earth goddesses do a ceremonial dance to ensure the spirit of Uday has a good trip to his final home in Valhalla . Their dance will evoke the natural spirits of the trees , the rocks , the streams and lakes and tunnel this powerful energy force to acheive this aim to save the spirit of Uday and his spirit will find a home where it can continue it's earthy mission of debauchery. Of course Uday's debauchees will be a bit slimmer then the earth mothers . Aint nobody gonna fuck with these broards in their joyful dance . Not even Uday . These are tough broards . Allan

Remember this guy?

This is Uday . This was taken before America used more bombs trying to blow up him , his brother and his father Saddam then was used in the bombing of Dresden during WWII but by God we got two of them . Dad's on trial . Allan

Is this Tom Cruise's Gal Pal?

I found this in my pictures too and think it might be the girl he knocked up but has yet to marry . Maybe I'm wrong but I think it might be her before Tom's evil sperm made her blow up . She's awfully young looking for him. Isn't he in his forties? This girl looks to be about 17 . Odd they haven't maried yet ,. Something up with that? allan

True or false

Honestly I don't know . I found this picture awhile back in some news story and it said this guy was running away from the cops , hopped over the spiked fence , was speared by the fence accidently and lost his head. Honestly I don't know if it's true but it certainly could be . Allan

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Deep In Thought

Saturday, April 01, 2006

NOT an April fools joke

I found this picture weeks ago along with its story . I have since lost the story but the gist was , now get this ,this Turkish family ALL walk on all fours leading some Turkish scientists to think they might be related to a missing link . The scientists plan to study the family to see why they walk this way . Ok, I found it a rediculous story too but the picture is kind of funny when you know what it supposedly depicts . Hey , I don't make this crap up , Allan